Depression Symptoms – What are the Signs?

Many depression symptoms can be missed. Knowing the signs of depression and understanding depression symptoms can help you face this common ailment with confidence.

Depression is one of the most common mood disorders to exist today. More than 264 million people around the globe struggle with depression.

Depression is a complex condition that is unique to each individual. However, many mental and physical symptoms are commonly shared by those who struggle with depression and can help alert you to an issue.

Knowing the signs and symptoms of depression can help to catch the condition early so that you can get the help you need to climb out of the darkness and reenter the light.

Depression Symptoms

While depression varies depending on the individual affected, there are signs of depression that many people share. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of depression is vital to understanding the condition and can guide you when seeking help.

Signs of Depression:

Persistent Sadness

An overwhelming and persistent feeling of sadness is one of the most common symptoms of depression. Perhaps you feel sad for no apparent reason or maybe you are sad despite having everything you need to be happy. Persistent sadness is a conventional sign of depression and is typical in this disorder. While a person may not appear ‘sad.’ This feeling may be buried deep within them if they struggle with depression.

The sadness that accompanies depression is deep and often well hidden. If you find it challenging to feel happiness, see the good things in your life, and suffer from a continuous sense of despair, you may be suffering from depression.


Self-Loathing can be a sign of depression
Photo by Klim Musalimov on Unsplash

Depression often causes individuals to turn their misery inward. Thus, self-loathing, self-hatred, and self-doubt are common signs of depression. You might doubt your abilities, be critical of yourself, lack self-esteem, or question your worth.

Many people who suffer from depression have trouble believing in themselves and experience a high amount of self-doubt.

Major depressive disorder leads people to overanalyze every move and constantly question their abilities. If you are often critical of yourself or consistently questioning your actions and skills, you may need to seek assistance for depression.

Changes to interests and activities

A loss of interest in activities you once loved is a major red flag for depression. A lack of focus or feeling of melancholy may prevent you from engaging in activities that you once enjoyed immensely.

Having depression means that tasks that were once effortless may become tedious or tiresome. These new feelings may lead to decreased performance or complete avoidance of the activities you once loved. Sadly, these behavior changes only serve to perpetuate the cycle and guide you further down the path of depression. If you or someone you love has lost interest in activities that they once enjoyed, it may be time to seek help for depression.

Irritability and Isolation

Being depressed can cause you to struggle with social interactions. Irritability can make a person with depression challenging to be around, and they may be more short-tempered than usual. Unfortunately, this irritability often forces those struggling with depression to isolate themselves and avoid interactions with others. However, avoidance of social interactions leads to more profound depression for the struggling individual.

Isolation can be a depression symptom
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

When trying to help someone who suffers from depression, it is best not to force interactions but instead gently guide them to do so in ways that are comfortable for them.


A familiar companion of depression is anxiety. Depression causes feelings of low self-worth, which leads to feelings of anxiety. In fact, more than half of people who suffer from depression also experience feelings of anxiety.

Someone struggling with depression may worry about their future, believe they will fail, or feel anxious about a specific situation. Although feelings of anxiety may eventually fade, this can potentially signify a more profound problem and you should seek help if you are concerned.  

Lethargy and Exhaustion

Depression can often rob a person of their zest for life. A lack of energy is quite common among those who suffer from depression due to constant anxiety or feelings of hopelessness.

Fatigue can further hamper a person’s abilities at work or in everyday life, leading to increased depression. If you or someone you know lacks the energy for basic day-to-day tasks, it may be a sign of depression.  

Trouble Sleeping

Unable to sleep
Photo by Isabella and Zsa Fischer on Unsplash

Sleep disturbances are a common complaint among those diagnosed with depression. Although the person claims to be exhausted, when someone suffers from depression they often develop abnormal sleep patterns. Signs such as frequently waking through the night and trouble falling or staying asleep can exacerbate present symptoms.

Depression may also cause a person to sleep more than usual as well. Lethargy and feelings of hopelessness may make it seem impossible for them to get out of bed and face the world. Extreme amounts of sleep can be an early indicator of depression or other mental and physical conditions and should not be ignored.  

Weight loss and changes to eating habits

A loss of interest in food and changes in eating habits are common in people with depression. Someone suffering from depression may overeat, binge, or lose their appetite altogether. Changes to eating habits can be an early sign of an issue.

Unfortunately, changes to eating habits often lead to weight gain or weight loss, further enhancing the depression that already exists.  


Handcuffs on hands
Photo by niu niu on Unsplash

For some who suffer from depression, recklessness sometimes takes over, and they may begin to engage in high-risk behaviors that are out of character.

Risky behaviors are often a temporary way to ease mental distress. A person suffering from depression may spend frivolously, engage in risky sexual endeavors, or take on high-risk hobbies to reduce their feelings of numbness or anguish. Often, these high-risk behaviors get the attention of friends and family. Unfortunately, discussions about their concerns are often negatively approached and can lead to anger and outbursts of aggression.    

Deep, Dark thoughts and behaviors

Suicidal ideation is pretty common among those suffering from depression. Even when people with depression symptoms or a diagnosis claim they would not or could not take their own lives, they may find their thoughts filled with suicidal fantasies.

While a person suffering from depression may not purposefully take their own life, high-risk behaviors can increase the risk of accidental death. Any indication of suicidal tendencies should never be ignored, and help for depression should be sought immediately.

If you or someone who know suspects depression may be the cause of a low mood, seek the help and counsel of a medical professional. Depression is a fairly normal concern and can be easily treated in most cases. Your health practitioner can help guide you to available services in your area. Reach out for help if you or someone you know is showing signs of depression symptoms like the ones listed here. Although fairly common, depression can be dangerous and suicide is constantly on the rise. It is much better to be safe than to be sorry.

Until Next Time,

Take Care of Yourself.

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