Covid can be a Teacher.

Covid has taken hold. The world is a mess. Travel bans, blocked borders, food shortages, school closures, scary headlines, and quarantine can quickly become overwhelming.

Being alive in this crazy time can make even the most positive person a pessimist.

Life is tough right now. Many people have lost friends or family members to this virus and many others worry incessantly that they will. It’s hard to think about anything else. It seems Covid has not only permeated the bodies of humans but also their minds.

It’s not just Coronavirus, however. There are so many things in this world that are beyond our control. It can feel scary knowing that there is nothing you can do to help or change things like viruses, earthquakes, hurricanes, or car accidents.

In this time of chaos and fear, there is one thing that you can manage… your inner self.

Covid-19 nurse
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

This global pandemic is horrible. Covid is frightening. It is overwhelming but your inner self should not be afraid. This pandemic is also filled with hope, a sense of community, and countless heroes. It is packed with lessons that we need to open ourselves to in order to improve our future.

While Covid and this new world are scary, they also teach us many valuable lessons and we should pay attention.

Take a moment each day to remember all the positive things that life has to offer, even in this difficult time…

Six Lessons Covid is Trying to Teach You:

#1 Covid reminds us that it is so important to stay grounded in the moment:

All too often life takes a detour. Our plans get derailed and we scramble to find our footing. News and media can make living in the moment seem like an impossible task today. The never-ending stories of death and suffering can make the world seem like a dangerous and unbearable place.

A panicked mind cannot think clearly and fear sells well.

Thoughts like, ‘What if I run out of food? What if a family member gets Coronavirus? What if I have to go out or I can’t go out? How will I live? What will happen to my savings? These are natural fears during Coronavirus. It is a difficult time and you will feel concerned or even be scared However, these fears can take their toll if they become the center of your focus.

Sure, these are possibilities that need to be considered. However, will forgetting these fears for the moment really cause you harm? Probably not.

Each time you find yourself dwelling on those ‘What If’ questions take a deep breath. Ask yourself how important the question is and if it will matter in a week, month, or year.

Chances are good that the things that are worrisome right now will not be important a year from now. They may not even matter in a week. Save your sanity by approaching concerns as they happen and avoid wondering about what is to come. It is fine to be prepared, but do not dwell on negative outcomes that exist only in your mind.

#2 Connecting with others has more to do with mentality that physical approximation:

One of the most difficult aspects of quarantine is not being able to see friends and family. Being without those that you love can leave you feeling lost and alone.

Unfortunately, isolation is the way the world needs to be right now and studies show that self-quarantine is working to flatten the curve of the disease.

However, just because you have to stay home does not mean you are cut off from society. There are a plethora of programs that can keep you connected with loved ones via video or voice. Try using Skype or Google Meet to chat with friends and family regularly or do a Facebook live and hang out with friends. Apps like Snap Chat and Instagram are also great ways to connect with and see those that you are missing most. Being quarantined dos not mean you are alone, we are all connected, at home.

#3 Covid shows us that there are so many things to be thankful for:

Coronavirus quarantine can make it hard to see the bright side of things. It is easy to fall into a rut or get depressed during these trying times but there are so many things to be thankful for right now. It is vitally important that you remember those things and let them lift you up. Stay positive and you will get through these tough times.

Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

Try starting a gratitude journal to record one small thing to be thankful for each day.

Check out the One Thing Challenge to get started!

I keep a gratitude journal beside my bed and each morning I jot down one thing that I will be thankful for that day.

This is a great way to center your focus and find something positive amid all the chaos.

You can write in your gratitude journal anytime. I find morning is great because it provides a positive thought to begin your day. You could also do it before bed or any other time that works for you.

Feel free to comment and share your ideas to help inspire others.

#4 Hard times always lead to growth:

Throughout history, some of the hardest times that we have faced have created some of the biggest changes. Humans are resilient. We face issues head-on and we often come out better than before. If not we at least come out wiser.

Take solace knowing that after Covid-19 is over things will be better than they were before. More importantly, you will be stronger than you already are!

Studies have looked into what some people call “The Phoenix Phenomena.” According to this theory “new life arises from the remains of the old way of being.” Covid-19 will be that ‘old way of life’ and like the Phoenix, we will rise from the ashes stronger than we were before.

#5 You are stronger than you think:

It may not feel like it at the moment, but you are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for.

You were born against all odds. You have survived life up until now, and you will continue to do what needs to be done for self-preservation.

It will not be easy, the good things never are, but you will make it through Covid intact as long as you are careful and aware.

That strength that burns within you will grow, I promise.

So, be sure to give yourself a pat on the back for all that you do. Even if it is just making it through the day! Celebrate that small success because every single thing you do is an achievement.

#6 Life will never be the same, and that is okay:

One thing that I keep hearing people say is that the world will never be the same again after Covid-19. I agree, but that is okay!

Photo by Delia Giandeini on Unsplash

This pandemic may be scary, it might be hard, and it may have you going completely crazy but it is also teaching you a great deal about humanity and is showing you what is important in life.

All the things that we once believed were important (the big house, the nice car, the fancy job title) mean very little now. We are all in the same boat regardless of these and many other things. Age, race, gender and sexual orientation all seem a little less valid in this strange new world, and that is fine. What is important is that you are healthy and you are alive. Period.

Besides keeping our hands clean and staying at least 6 feet away from others, it is important that we clear our minds of negativity as well. Things are bad right now but the future will be brighter. The lessons are there among the chaos, take the time to learn them.

Until Next time…

Stay Home, Stay Safe.

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