Toxic People You Should Avoid

Toxic people can make life miserable. Unfortunately, we usually do not know that someone is toxic until it is too late and the drama is well underway. While anyone can be a toxic person, there are specific types of toxic people that you should be aware of and watch for.

The list below is far from complete, but these 7 types of toxic people may already be a part of your life, so being aware of their behavior so that you can protect yourself is vital to living a happier, more fulfilled life that is free of toxicity.

7 Types of Toxic People to Avoid:

The Negative Nelly:

We all have that one hyper-negative person in our lives. This person is rarely positive or supportive. Instead, they are negative, condescending, full of complaints, and often thrive on the misery of others. They may not be outright mean, but they drain you of your energy and leave you feeling exhausted every time you are around them.

Angry Eye
Photo by roman raizen on Unsplash

The Constant Critic:

The Constant Critic may appear helpful at first, but under that façade is a cold, cruel, and empty heart. If you have ever had someone say, “You look great, but…” or swallowed criticism that you did not request then you have encountered these types of toxic people. Toxic people like this may make comments that appear humorous, but they are actually attacks on your character that are meant to break you down over time.

The Time Waster

These types of toxic people are usually the most annoying of them all. They are the people who always cancel plans without warning, the ones that stand you up, or that person who constantly calls with complaints but never listens to you, and just generally wastes your precious time. The goal of this type of toxic person is to stop your personal growth and keep you stuck where they can reach you anytime they want someone to use and abuse.

Man looking at his watch
Photo by Shamim Nakhaei on Unsplash

The ‘Perfect’ Example

Jealousy is one of the most toxic behaviors that there is and toxic people tend to ooze jealousy. Jealous behavior is not reserved for love, sex, or relationships. It can be about competing, copying, or one-ups. Perhaps it is that person who always has a better story, a bigger problem, or a more important question. It is that ‘friend‘ who is always doing the same things you are doing. The one who takes it one step further every time. This type of toxic person is somehow always competing with you, even when you are not in the game.

The Victim

Toxic people will tell you that it is them who is the victim, and they are the victim a lot! This type of toxic person is never at fault. In fact, it is always someone else’s behavior (often yours) that is the problem. These toxic people are very manipulative and will always try to appear innocent, no matter the situation. Often, you will be the bad guy.

Toxic people are always crying victim
Photo by Ksenia Makagonova on Unsplash

The Self-Absorbed Attention-Seeker

My sister has a friend who fits this category perfectly. It is always about her, and she rarely listens to anything else. You may find that this person will call numerous times a day to share their problems. Yet is never around if you need to talk. When you are struggling they make it about them somehow. They provide insight only through the sharing of their own issues. The Self-Absorbed Attention-Seeker is draining but it is not always obvious. Time is sure to show their true colors. Unfortunately, getting away from this type of toxic person often means you become the bad guy.

The Constant Disappointment

Much like The Time Waster, the Constant Disappointment always leaves you hanging. Missed calls, forgotten meetings, and empty promises mark this toxic person. The Constant Disappointment is always standing you up, canceling plans, and never there when you need them. This friend is no friend at all, and the sooner you cut ties, the better off you will be.

Constant Disappointment
Photo by Kyle Broad on Unsplash

The Bottom Line:

Sadly, getting rid of the toxic people is harder than throwing out old shoes with a hole in the sole. It is not something that you will do easily or even instantly, for that matter. Still, it is something that is exponentially beneficial to your well-being. Ridding yourself of individuals like those described above can help to open doors that you never knew existed. If nothing else, removing toxic people from your life will at least make you feel lighter and will help to reduce stress.

Sure. cutting ties with people is never easy (hence the stories about people texting their exes at 2 a.m. when they are drunk and lonely). However, this is an essential step on the path to true happiness.

Take a long hard look at the people in your life.

Are they beneficial to your mental health?
Do they add to or take away from your life?
How do they help?
How do they hinder?

Once you weigh the pros and cons of any relationship it becomes much easier to make the right decision. Not all the people you know will be toxic. Find the ones that are not and keep them close to your heart. Let all the others fade into the background and create some distance for yourself.

Life is far too short to waste on toxic people. Find the ones that lift you up and lose the ones that drag you down.

Until Next Time…

Be Strong, Be Brave, and Stay Safe!


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