Happiness is NOT a Place…

So stop trying to travel there.

Happiness is not a place, situation, or circumstance… It is a choice.

Happiness is a state of mind, and it is yours for the taking!

All too often we think, “If only I had a better job/car/house/etc., then I’d be happy.”

The truth is material things are not going to make you any happier than you are right now – no matter how expensive or elaborate they are. 

While these items may provide a temporary feeling of happiness, it is important to understand that happiness is not a ‘thing’, it is a state of mind. It is an inner peace, a contentment, an acceptance. It is a decision you make, and it is an easy one. Honestly.

We have talked a lot about happiness on this site, and we will continue to do so. We are faced with choices all day, every single day. What we are going to wear or eat? Where we are going to go? What we are going to do?

Some of these choices are difficult to make. Choosing to be happy should be one of the easiest choices of your day, and it should be the first choice you make each morning. 

How? Well, that part is easy! 

 Practicing positive thinking, doing things that you enjoy and surrounding yourself with inspiration are all great ways to invite happiness into your life, and it is the constant repetition of these factors that holds happiness there long-term. For many people long-term happiness seems to be nothing more than an unattainable dream, usually rooted in something material, but it can be reality if you simply make the conscious choice to be happy.

I know what your thinking, how can it be that simple?
But, how can it not be?

Below is a list of 5 things you can do to invite happiness into your life right now. Try them out and see the difference they make on your overall mood and well being.

5 Things That Promote Happiness

Start your day on a positive note

This simple suggestion can make all the difference in the world. When we start our day focused on positive things, more positive things will happen. It sounds silly, but wake up each morning and immediately think of what you have to be thankful for that day. It doesn’t have to be something big and elaborate. In fact, the small things work just as well as the big ones. Perhaps you are grateful to have a bed to sleep in, coffee to brew, and children who love you. Anything works, just find one thing to focus your day around.

Find joy in the Small Things

Life consists of a series small of moments, don’t miss them waiting for the big ones. Sure, we all want that bid ‘Ah-Ha’ moment that changes our lives forever but the small moments can be just as satisfying. Take a second to notice the sound of your children laughter or stop and (literally) smell the roses. We cannot have BIG moments without first appreciating the small ones.

Find Your Passion and Follow It.

If there is one piece of advice that I can give you it is to find what you love doing most and do it. Don’t let anyone tell you that it can’t be done, show them it can. When you find what you truly love to do life becomes so much easier. Perhaps you want to make YouTube videos, or write a book. Maybe you have always dreamed of being a singer or model. Whatever your passion find a way to fit it into your life. You do not have to quit your job and move to Hollywood, but you can start taking acting classes or audition for local productions. Even if it is only “on-the-side” doing what you love makes life worth living.

Train Yourself to Think Positive.

Positive thinking is a tool that can be taught. In fact, the more that you practice thinking positively, the more positive your thoughts will naturally become. Each time that something has you thinking negative thoughts, stop yourself and focus on the positive. Maybe you lost your job because your company went bankrupt. Now you are free to find another job that makes you happy. Life has a way of always working out. Trust in the process and focus on the bright side.

Enjoy This Moment, Right Now.

If we live in the past, we are doomed to repeat it. Choose instead to let go of history and focus on the moment you are in right now. We all make mistakes, but they do not have to define who we are. Let go and let live but enjoying all that you have in this moment. Don’t worry about yesterday and let tomorrow come when it will. Just focus on what you are doing right this second and life will give you exactly what you need to succeed, This is one of the hardest lessons to learn as we all reminisce about the past, but remembering and dwelling are two very different spaces. Hold tight to precious memories but resolve to make new ones moving forward.

While the items on this list may seem very simple, happiness doesn’t have to be difficult. If you focus on the positive things in your life and actively live in this moment, you will find that you have the ability to choose to be happy without all the bells and whistles.

Start your day by thinking about all the amazing things that you have to be thankful for and get yourself into a positive mindset. From there, enjoy the small moments, do what you love most (even if only in small doses), and focus on living in the moment. It is only NOW that matters. Not yesterday, not tomorrow. Stay in this moment and allow happiness into your life. Trust me, it will show up when you least expect it. I promise.

Life may feel difficult at times, but happiness doesn’t have to be.

Until Next Time,

Live a Full and Happy Life.


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