Happiness 101: Scientific Tricks To Increase Happiness

Happiness does not always come naturally. Humans are complex beings and our moods are often complicated. Things happen in our lives and we sometimes find ourselves feeling blue. Science shows us that unpredictable moods are normal and the can often occur. However, it also tells us things that can help.

If you are feeling down or overwhelmed, these 6 scientific tips to increase happiness may help to boost your mood. Try them out.

Listen to music

When you’re feeling down you probably turn to your favorite feel good songs to get through the tough times but research has shown that listening to sad music may help you better cope with sadness. This is because listening to sad music helps you cope with and regulate negative emotions and moods.

Next time you are feeling down put on the saddest song you can think of and let the emotions flow freely.

Photo by Malte Wingen on Unsplash

Drink a coffee

Coffee truly is the answer, so grab a cup!

Studies have shown that having one cup of coffee per day can actually reduce symptoms of depression by 8% or more. While researchers can’t be sure, they believe these benefits have something to do with the antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, as well as the link to dopamine production present in that cup of Joe.


People around the world have been raving about the benefits of meditation for years. In fact, meditation has some very conclusive science backing it up when it comes to well being.

Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years, long before psychology even existed. Numerous studies have shown the benefit that meditation can have on both the mind and body, especially in stressful situations.

Spend money on others

It is no secret that retail therapy is often used to combat depression. Many of us go out and buy things when we are feeling blue, but the satisfaction it gives is a small reward.

Research has shown that if you want to be happy you should be spending money on other people.

An article in Forbes explains that In their book Happy Money: The Science of Smarter Spending, authors Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton have found spending money on others creates a greater level of happiness than spending money on yourself.

Go for a walk

Sometimes the answer can be found in the simplest solutions.

Research has found that merely going for a walk can change your mood and increase your happiness. Exercise may be the last thing that you want to do when your feeling depressed but as it turns out once you get motivated, walking can have a huge impact on your mood.

Talk it out

Keeping your emotions bottled up inside is never a good idea and taking the time to get your thoughts and feelings out of your mind or off your chest can have a big affect on your mood.

One of the best ways to get your feelings out is to put them on paper. Journalling allows us to release negative emotions without fear of judgement. Grab yourself a journal that makes you happy (there are plenty of cute notebooks at the dollar store) and simply write. Don’t know what to write about? Try looking at this article by John F Evans Ed.D for ideas.

We all struggle with dark days. We feel blue or depressed at times and we get in a funk. However, the majority of us are able to get out of those moods repetitively quickly. If you find that you can not shake your depressed mood or are having thoughts of suicide, seek the help of a medical professional immediately.

The suggestions above may help you lift your spirits but is by no means comprehensive. Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas here or in the forum.

Until Next Time,

Smile, even when you don’t want to.


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