6 Bad Habits That Make You Miserable.

There is no such thing as bad luck. There are only bad choices and bad habits. The state of your life is not a matter of circumstance. It is a series of your actions (or lack thereof)that got you to where you are today.  

Many things in life will impact your happiness and aim to make you miserable. Do not make it easier for these things to succeed. Be aware of these six bad habits that will make you miserable.

6 Bad Habits That Will Make You Miserable:

Bad Habit 1: Comparing Yourself to Others

Comparison ushers in considerable limitations. When you compare yourself to others, you foster jealousy, encourage self-pity, and enhance self-sabotage. These toxic elements get in the way of growth and are guaranteed to make you miserable.

Stop comparing yourself to others, and instead focus on comparing your happiness today with where you want it to be tomorrow.

comparing yourself to others is a bad habit

Bad Habit 2: Negative Self-Talk:  

Negativity breeds negativity. Those thoughts you keep repeating to yourself about not being good enough or intelligent enough will take their toll. Negative self-talk will put you in the fast lane to misery and only holds you back in life.

Stop negative talk in its tracks by turning negative thoughts into positive ones. The minute you notice yourself having a negative thought replace it with something positive. Better yet, start each day by listing all the fantastic things about yourself and train your brain to think in a more positive way naturally.  

Check out The One Thing Challenge

Bad Habit 3: Holding on to Toxic Relationships

Bad Habits are hard to break

Drop the toxic people if you want to be happy. Just because you have known someone since first grade, or just because they are family, does not mean that you are destined to deal with their negative behaviors for the rest of your life.

Cut ties with anyone and everyone that brings you down. While this act will probably be one of the hardest things you ever do, I can guarantee that it will also be the best thing for your happiness and well-being.  

Bad Habit 4: Falling into an Unhealthy Routine

Forget the saying ‘you are what you eat.’ You are what you repeatedly do.  

Success is not an action; it is a habit. The routines you continually practice will have a significant impact on your life; choose wisely. Falling into unhealthy, unproductive patterns is a great way to put the brakes on your happiness and inspire misery. Instead, choose to do things that make you happy as often as you can.  

Bad Habit 5: Seeking Validation

You will never be able to please everyone, so stop trying and focus on pleasing yourself. Validation is so powerful. It can create or destroy happiness instantly and is one of the most common causes of misery.

Stop looking to others to fulfill your desires and find what you need within yourself.

Bad Habit 6: Procrastinating

Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today? It is so easy to fall victim to procrastination. After all, there is plenty of time. Right?

Putting things off is a great way to ensure that they never get done. Think about all the little things around the house that you keep saying you want to get done. Adding something to the ‘honey-do list’ is often a death sentence. Take the initiative and just get it done already.

bad habit of procrastinating

Bad habits are hard to break, but they are well worth the effort. Do not allow bad habits to become the foundation of your future. While life often feels like a series of unfortunate events, it is simply a snowball of your thoughts, choices, and attitude. Change your way of thinking and ditch these bad habits to change the outcome and inspire happiness within yourself.

Until Next Time,

Break the cycle!

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