Living in the Moment

Everyone talks about ‘living in the moment’ as if there is a breach in the space-time continuum.

What does living in the moment really mean and why is it such an elusive concept?

Essentially, Living in the moment can have a plethora of definitions. However, for the purpose of clarification, we will say simply…

Living in the moment means paying attention to the world around you in a way that allows you to appreciate the beauty within it.

Living in the moment is a great way to enhance well-being and promote happiness. What’s better, it is not hard to do. In fact, you can start today without any prior experience or training required.

Below are a few useful tips and tactics that can help.

5 Tips For Living In The Moment:

Focus on the now:

Forget what happened yesterday and stop stressing about tomorrow. Instead, ask yourself “what can I do now that will make me better.” Once you come up with an answer to this question put the wheels in motion immediately.

If you wait for the right time it will never come and if you live in the past, it is more likely to repeat itself.

Looking for an example?

You made a mistake at work/school and you have two choices… You can either worry endlessly or move on. Hint: Choose to move on, every time.

Worry is like a rocking chair, it won’t get you anywhere.

Notice the small stuff:

We often rush through life unaware of the world around us. Take a moment to stop and stare at the beauty of life.

I’m not talking about looking at pictures of beautiful nature. Get out and live. Watch a bird fly, a butterfly flutter, or a caterpillar crawl. Listen to children playing or watch puppies running in a field.

It is the smallest moments in life that can have the biggest impact.

Smile more:

Living in the moment will make you smile
Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

It may sound silly but when it comes to happiness, fake it until you make it is a very real concept.

When your mood is low… When you’re frustrated or feeling blah… Smile!

Studies show that the act of smiling can instantly improve your mood…

If nothing else, smiling will improve the mood of those around you which in turn benefits you as well.

Be Thankful:

Being alive is a great gift. Even in the worst moments, if you are breathing then you are ahead of the game!

It can be easy to focus on all that is wrong in the world, the real challenge is finding what is right and being thankful for it.

If you suffer from chronic negativity, check out some of our posts about gratitude for inspiration.

Have faith:

Having faith has nothing to do with religious beliefs. In fact, you can be an atheist and still have faith.

Faith, in this case, means trusting that the world will provide what you need and taking comfort in that along your journey.

Have faith that everything you need to be happy lies within you, you simply need to dig it out.

Living in the moment means making the most of what you have in front of you right now. It requires little to no effort but can have a BIG impact on your well-being.

Take time to appreciate the world around you and find ways to include that appreciation in your everyday life. Remember, it is the little things that make the largest difference.

Until Next Time…

Stop and smell the roses.


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