Beat Stress With These Stress-Busting Ideas

Stress is a common concern that plagues us all. The effects of stress impact the daily lives of more than 55% of Americans and have psychological and physical implications.

Stress makes everyone sad
Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

Within the workplace, the numbers become more significant, with 94% of workers reporting stress at work and 63% of US workers claiming they are ready to quit their job to avoid work-related stress.

Outside the office, the top causes of stress are thought to be money, health, relationships, and food access.

Although many of these stressors cannot be avoided entirely, we can limit our exposure and find ways to combat the stress we face daily.

Exercise can significantly reduce stress and help us feel happier and more relaxed. Yet, studies show less than 14% of people use this proven tactic to fight stress.

The good news is that you do not need to become a dedicated bodybuilder to beat stress. There are many ways to combat daily pressure and help yourself relax.

Try out one of these Simple Stress Busting Activities today and watch the pressure melt away in minutes…

Stress Busting Activities To Help You Relax:

Beat Stress With a Hot Bath:

A hot bath is one of the best ways to fight daily pressures and de-stress after a long day. Unwind by taking a hot bath with Epsom salt. The amazing effects of Epsom salt are well-known. Epsom salt helps you loosen up by relaxing tense muscles. Your body will also absorb the salt through your skin, replenishing much-needed magnesium that helps ward off the irritability that accompanies stress.

Let The Sunshine In:

The sun is a powerful mood booster. From increasing serotonin levels to providing vitamin D, even a small amount of sunshine can make a difference.

Sunshine coming through a window
Photo by Adeolu Eletu on Unsplash

I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which is made worse by my location in the Northern Hemisphere. Decreased sun exposure, especially during the winter months, wreaks havoc on mental well-being.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as little as 5-15 minutes of sunshine can provide ample stress-busting benefits.

So take a short walk in the sun, enjoy your morning coffee in the garden, or skip blissfully down a hiking trail. Just soak up some rays.

Shake It Off:

Taylor Swift had it right, if you find yourself struggling, you can dance away those bad days. Dancing is a fun way to unwind and reset yourself. It is not only the act of exercise that causes dancing to improve your mood. Instead, it is the combination of exercise and music working together that holds the real power.

If you have ever felt a smile cross your lips when your favorite song is played at the club, and you hit the dancefloor with your besties, you understand the power music and dancing can have on the soul. Next time you feel stressed and on the brink of a breakdown, turn up the tunes and shake it off.

De-stress With Your Furry Friends:

Human-Animal Interaction (HAI) is a well-studied field and has shown numerous times the positive impact animals have on humans. Animals have become a common asset in therapy for treating various mental health conditions, including Autism, Anxiety, and Depression.

There is no denying that snuggling up with your furry friend makes you feel good, but if you do not own an animal, you can still benefit from the positive vibes they provide. Many companies worldwide offer pets to help people relax, or you can go to any dog park in any city and find a willing participant looking for some scratches. So, if you feel blue, seek a furry companion for some much-needed, unconditional love.

Find Your Zen:

There is a good reason yoga is so popular. Yoga, which combines exercise and mindfulness, has many benefits.

According to a 2018 study, yoga effectively reduces stress, anxiety, and depression and can be used as complementary medicine in treating these conditions. More impressive, another study done in 2017 found that yoga is so effective at treating Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) that it can now be considered an alternative therapy for treating this widespread problem.

The best part is that you do not even have to leave your house or get out of your pajamas to reap the benefits. With countless yoga instruction videos available on YouTube and other streaming sites, you can improve your mental health in the comfort of your own home.

Kill Stress With a Smile:

A rock reminding you to smile can help form a happiness habit.
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

When you feel stressed, the last thing you probably want to do is smile. However, what if I told you that smiling can help you combat depression and improve your mood? Would that influence you to turn your frown upside down? Well, it is true.

Several studies have shown the impact a smile can have on your mood. One such study completed by Kanas University students in 2012 found that putting on a happy face will help you fight the effects of stress and reduce anxiety.

In other words, grin and bear it, and fake it ’til you make it.

Let Cat Videos Take Your Stress Away:

Everyone loves a good cat video, right? Right? Okay, maybe cats are not your thing, but studies have shown that watching funny videos when you feel stressed can help you relax.

It is not only that cat videos are so darn cute, laughter in general has been shown to enhance well-being, alleviate stress, and improve mood.

If you really want to de-stress, why not try laughter yoga and use two stones to kill one annoying bird?

Beat Stress Through Gratitude:

I cannot count how many times I have said that gratitude holds a special, magical power. Being grateful, especially when you are feeling down in the dumps, is an excellent tool to combat the ill effects of daily pressure.

Outlining all that you have to be thankful for in life will really put things into perspective.

In fact, listing even a few things that you are grateful for will open the doors to even more amazing things. Seriously!

It may sound crazy, but taking a moment out of your day to focus on the positive aspects of your life allows you to quickly refocus your mind and alleviate stress.

So, next time you want to freak out, grab a sheet of paper and list 5 things that you are thankful for instead.

Celebrate Yourself:

You are an amazing, outstanding, unique person. There is no one like you in this entire world. You are more than one in a million, you are one in 7 billion, and that is something to be celebrated.

Often, stress stems from our perception of ourselves and our situation. Yet, the truth is, even at the worst moments in life, we are worth celebrating.

Perhaps you have had a rough day. Heck, maybe it has been a rough year. Honestly, none of it matters.

All that matters is this moment, right now. All that matters is that you are here, you are alive, you are breathing.

Life is a wild, out-of-control rollercoaster. There will be times when you feel like you are about to fall off. In those moments, hold on tighter and be thankful you are here to enjoy the ride.

No matter how today turned out or what happened yesterday, last week, or last year, you are here in this moment and are perpetually moving forward.

Stay focused on the future and leave the past in the past.

Until Next Time,

Seek Out The Bright Side.

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