How To Be Happy

Have you ever asked how to be happy? You are not the only one. Millions of people search for the term ‘how to be happy‘ every day. While there are a plethora of articles online telling you what you need to do to be happy, rarely do these articles tell you what you need to let go of to achieve this goal!

You see, sometimes you have to let go of things to allow new, more useful things, into your life.

“Just as you let go of old objects when you move to a new home, you must let go of things as you move through life.”

Although letting go can be difficult, it can also be very rewarding. We throw away or donate old furniture to make room in our homes for new items. We get rid of old clothes when they no longer fit us. So why do we hold so tightly to other things in our lives that are preventing us from being happy?

In this article, we talk about a few things you MUST let go of TODAY if you truly want to know how to be happy…

How to be happy.

Being happy in life is the ultimate goal.

Our ideas on how to be happy are the thing that drives every action we take or avoid. Spending more time with friends, getting a better job, reading more books, having more fun, and making more money are some of the lessons that are drilled into our heads from a very young age.

Moving boxes symbolize how to be happy
Photo by Brandable Box on Unsplash

Quite often, however, happiness is centered on the idea that we need to add something to our lives, but what if happiness is about letting things go instead?

Every single day we do things, go places, and see people that are hindering our happiness… Why? What is it that keeps us connected to these negative aspects of our life? Why can we not let them go?

Many times our connection to things that do not make us happy is nothing more than a figment of our imagination. Family, for example, is a social construct that has little to do with blood. Still, despite this knowledge, we somehow feel we owe our families and this can greatly impact our happiness.

Our emotions are the same, we allow them a power that they do not deserve and we get nothing in return.

What is worse still is the things that we do to ourselves to hinder our happiness. As the saying goes, you are your own worst enemy. Well, it stops today!

If you want to know how to be happy there are a few things you will need to let go of so you can live a happier, more fulfilling life.

Be Happy By Letting Go.

Our lives are filled with so many things that we do not need. From monthly subscriptions to toxic people, there are plenty of things we could do without. If you truly want to be happy you need to take stock of your life, and let go of the things that do not add value to it.

Letting go of guilt can teach you how to be happy:

Does guilt ever change a situation? Can it reverse time and change the past? No, it can’t. So stop letting it control the present and preventing happiness from entering your life.

Guilt has very little use in your present situation. Other than providing self-reflection, it is simply there to make you feel like crap. It is fine to feel the guilt when it arises, but it is vital that you then let it go and get on with living.

Take guilt and use it as a lesson but move on wiser than you were before.

Lose that negative thinking if you want to know how to be happy:

Negative thinking is one of the worst things you can do to yourself. Yet it is a common issue many people face.

The problem with negative thoughts is that one negative thought leads to another, which leads to another, and this creates a snowball effect that can quickly spiral out of control.

Let go of negative thinking by paying close attention to your thoughts and feelings.

When you think about something that is negative, you must turn the thought around immediately and find something positive to focus on instead.

This act will make a significant difference in your mood, and your life overall. It is that simple!

Stop dwelling on your need for approval:

If you really want to know how to be happy, stop trying to get approval from others.

We all do it, but we need to stop. Looking to others to validate your life is so stupid. It is YOUR life, not theirs. What they think, feel, or want you to do is totally irrelevant, and until you accept that, you will be stuck in one place.

Stop sign
Photo by Jake Allen on Unsplash

If you want to know how to be happy then you must accept that you can not please everyone. In fact, pleasing everyone is an impossible task.

Instead of seeking the approval of others, focus on pleasing yourself.

What others think does not matter to your life at all. Despite what we think when we are young, your world will not come crashing down if one person decides they do not like you.

Your life needs to be centered on how ‘you’ feel, not what others think of you. If someone does not like you that is perfectly fine. Accept not everyone you meet will sing your praises and just do what makes you feel good.

Get over that anger and heartbreak to be happy:

We have all suffered heartbreak at some point. We have all been hurt in the past, and we have all been angry. However, dwelling on these negative feelings only works to block happiness from entering your life.

Let it go and allow yourself to heal.

Holding grudges or being bitter does not change the past, but it can have a huge impact on the present. Anger and heartbreak can even happiness from entering your life and hold you in a place of misery. Left unchecked, anger and heartbreak can be very powerful emotions.

While these feelings can be difficult to control, it is vital that you figure out how to control them so they do not control you!

If you want to know how to be happy you need to lose the fake friends:

Having 1,438 friends on Facebook does not mean you have 1,438 friends. In fact, chances are that you have a handful of people that are true ‘friends’ and the rest are merely bystanders. Those people in your life that are true friends will be there to help you when you need it most. They are the ones that stick by you even when times are tough, not just when you are on top of the world.

True friends are rare, but when you find them, you know it.

People in your life (online and off) that are not ‘real’ friends need to go. If someone does not add to your life, what is the point?

I am not saying you need to start deleting people from your social media. It is fine to be connected online. However, it is important to understand that online and reality are two very different dimensions. Find out who your true friends are and keep them close.

Let go of procrastination if you want to learn to be happy:

Stop procrastinating. Just stop!

Scrabble tiles send a message on how to be happy
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

If there is something that needs to be done, do it. Period.

For many of us, procrastination is our biggest fault. It is the thing that holds us back most in life. Unfortunately, procrastination is also the hardest habit to break because it is the most common one to exist.

Procrastination is a very bad habit, and the longer you allow it to exist, the more ingrained it becomes!

Let go of procrastination by making a point of being productive. It is impossible to accomplish all the things that you want to accomplish in one day. However, you can accomplish some of them.

Taking tasks and breaking them into smaller, more manageable goals, keeping lists, and asking for help from others are excellent tools to end procrastination.

Seek out ways to be more productive in your everyday life if you are wondering how to be happy.

If you want to know how to be happy then let go of envy:

Envy is another emotion that takes you nowhere. Everyone has experienced envy. We have all dreamed what it would be like to be our favorite celebrity, to have a bigger home, or to work at a better job. The difference here is that envy takes over and you get bitter.

Wanting more out of life is great. In fact, aspiring to more than you have currently can be a great motivator. However, a desire to do better is quite different than thinking you deserve to be handed more in life.

Success takes hard work, and if you are not willing to put in the effort then why do you feel that you deserve it?

The biggest issue with envy is that it takes away from the amazing person that we are.

Why aspire to be someone else when you are perfect just as you are?

Dwelling on what you do not have is not going to help you get it, so why bother?

Stop trying to keep up with other people and just be happy with what you have in life. Sure, you can dream, and you should have goals in life, but stay true to who you are.

Ditch the selfdoubtto inspire happiness:

A negative self-image has a huge impact on your well-being. Holding a negative view of yourself can lead to increased rates of depression and anxiety. While everyone can be their own worst critics, for some this negative view can take on a whole new persona.

If you are curious about how to be happy, you must let go of your self-doubt and embrace self-love instead.

Forget the weight that you think you need to lose. Look past the flaws you see in the mirror.
Stop thinking you are not good enough.

You are the image that you create in your mind. Ensure this picture is true to you as a whole and not a jaded comparison of yourself to others.

Learn to overcome self-doubt by pointing out 10 fantastic things about yourself right now.

Share those great things with others. After all, these are the things that make you unique. Although it may be difficult at first, it will get easier the more you choose to find positive aspects of yourself and focus on them. Chances are the more you love yourself, the more others will appreciate and love you as well.

If you want to create a more positive self-image try checking out The One Thing Challenge! It can help you build your self-esteem and create a more positive view of who you are as a person.

Understand that you have limitations but let them go:

We all have limitations. However, your limitations are what you make them.

You can choose to make your limitations your motivation or your demise.
It is your choice.

If you constantly doubt your ability to do something, you are sure to fail in your attempts. Yet, if you believe in yourself, you will succeed. Your mind is the powerhouse of all that you do. You have the power to decide if you want to fail or succeed. Sure, you may fail 1000 times, but you will eventually get there. The key to success in anything you do is not giving up.

If you want to do something, you must try. Stop putting limitations on yourself and reach for the stars.

Those self-imposed limitations are the only thing holding you back from accomplishing your goals.

Let go of time:

Photo by Thomas Bormans on Unsplash

The concept of time can be hindering and it gets even more complex the more or less we have. There is never enough time. Yet, there is also too much of it. Time, while relevant to our schedules, often keeps us locked in a perpetual state.

Stop focusing on the clock.

In the modern world, everything we do revolves around time. Time for work, time for dinner, time for meetings, calls, and rest. Outside of necessity, aim to let go of the time restraints and do what feels right for you.

Once you stop living life by the minute and start living in the moment, you learn how to be happy.

Forgetting time restraints and instead measuring life in moments is the best thing you can do when you want to know how to be happy!

Happiness is fluid…

While it can be difficult to break the habits listed above, it is imperative to your happiness.

There will be challenges and obstacles that each of these examples presents. However, overcoming them will help you achieve the balance and positivity you crave. Trust me, it is well worth the effort because happiness lives within you!

Using the examples above, make the choice to change your actions today.

One small change now can create big changes in the future.

Consider what is most important to your life goals and live accordingly. When you work hard, the sky becomes the only limit.

Until Next Time…

Live in the moment.


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