Self-Love Hacks To Inspire Happiness

Yes, there are self-love hacks that can make you happier.

The self-love hacks in this article are meant to inspire self-love but involve other people. They are derived from life experience, good advice, and bad decisions. Most importantly, they are key aspects of living a happier, more fulfilling life.

We all have days when we feel down on ourselves and times when self-love seems utterly impossible. However, self-love is vital to your happiness and overall well-being. It is the one aspect that you should be constantly working to grow and expand upon because it almost always comes back to you in a positive way.

The self-love hacks listed below will help you cultivate confidence and encourage a more positive mindset. They will encourage you to make positive changes in your life that will bring you more happiness. Try out these self-love hacks today and be blessed with the rewards they offer.

Number 1. Follow Your Instincts

The first, and most basic of the self-love hacks offered in this article is to trust yourself. If it feels wrong, don’t do it! Learn to follow that first thought that is telling you something is not right. Don’t second guess yourself. Don’t underestimate yourself. It may not feel good to follow your gut, especially if you want that cake, that object, or that thing but it is always better in the long run.

Do you tend to ignore your initial instincts? Do you second guess yourself rather than listening to what your mind and body are telling you? This is a bad idea! But you are not the only one… There are always signs to tell you if you should or should not do something, pay attention. Notice the signs by giving attention to your feelings. Instincts are rarely wrong, we are.

Number 2. Say What You Mean, and Mean What You Say.

The most basic of the self-love hacks to remember is about honesty. When you share the truth you will get the truth in return. Being honest challenging but is vital. Once you lose trust it is so hard to get it back. If you are honest about your thoughts and feelings upfront, people will have far more respect for you in the long run.

Although telling the truth can be difficult, especially when you are worried about fitting in or being liked, lying – in any form – is always going to be far worse. Gather up your strength and say what you truly think. You will be glad that you did.

Number 3. Don’t Be a People Pleaser.

This is one of the most important self-love hacks to learn. Helping others is an important part of being human. However, helping yourself is just as important. You need to make sure you are in a position to help others before you do. Be careful that you do not give all of yourself, or you may be left with nothing in return. You should not give just to receive either. Instead, you should give because you want to give and because you can give!

Being a people pleaser leads to people expecting things from you that you may not be able to give them. It adds pressure that you probably do not need, Avoid the open palms and expectant faces and only give what you want, in the way that you can at the moment. Never feel bad about not being able to give to others.

Giving, (in any way that you can) is amazing but it does not need to be monetary. There are plenty of other ways to give and plenty of people who will abuse those gifts no matter the form Stop worrying about what other people need and start thinking about what YOU need to be happy.

Number 4. Use Self-Love Hacks To ChangeThe Way You Talk About Yourself.

Don’t talk bad about yourself. Don’t even do it as a joke. In life, you get back what you put out there. Unfortunately, the universe has a bland sense of humor and it does not understand sarcasm. When you send out negativity, even if you are just joking, that is what you will get back.

Stop cracking jokes about your weight, your looks, or anything else that makes you uncomfortable, and start sending out a positive message instead. Embrace who you are and love every part of that person, flaws and all. It is fine to explain that you are trying to change or lose weight, etc. However, don’t focus on this one small aspect. Instead, point out the amazing things about yourself that others may not be seeing because they are blinded by the humor you use to cover up your insecurities.

Work on building your self-esteem so that others can see the amazing person that you are inside.

Number 5. Control What You Say Yes To In Life.

When it comes to self-love, sadly, we tend to forget the self.

How often do you do things that you do not want to do? How many times have you turned down things that you do want? Perhaps you do this because you are uncomfortable or shy. Maybe you lack the knowledge or feel insecure. Saying yes should not be difficult, neither should saying no, the control that you have to decide your path in life should be inspiring, motivating, and empowering.

Next time you are presented with an appealing opportunity, say yes without hesitation. Do not question the intentions or yourself, just say yes and enjoy the feeling of freedom that this simple word provides.

Your life should be YOUR choice. Make decisions that are good for YOU, let others worry about what is good for them.

Number 6. Limit Your Exposure to Negativity.

Speaking about self-love hacks means that we must talk about other people. This may seem counterproductive but it is essential to success.

We all know that one person who drags us down. Every time you talk they drain you of energy. This person may leave you emotionally exhausted and physically drained. If you know someone is constantly negative (whether their negativity is directed at you or not), avoid them whenever possible. Surround yourself with positive people instead of toxic people. Find friends that support your choices and inspire you to grow.

Think of all the people that are in your life and ask yourself (with honesty) how they make you feel. Do you happily answer the phone when they call or do you immediately get a sense of dread when you see their number appear? If it is the latter then cut ties and move on.

Let go of those people who hold you back and embrace those that encourage you to spread your wings and fly.

Number 7. Take Control Of You Fear.

Stressing about things that are out of your control is like using a rocking chair to travel across the country, it gets you nowhere fast.

We are all guilty of this fault. We all stress and worry about things that we cannot change. Take the current pandemic for instance. Covid is a terrible disease and there are things we can do to stop the spread, but it is a part of our world now and it is not going away anytime soon. Still, constantly stressing out about covid is not going to help anyone, least of all you. Spending your time worrying about the disease is not going to stop it, so what is the point? You can be fearful or worried, but be careful of your focus and always be aware of the energy that you are releasing into the world.

Remember, what you focus on is sent out into the universe and comes back to you. Focusing on things that are negative or stressful, but out of your control, sends out a very negative vibe that you do not want back.

Instead, of wasting time on things you can change, worry only about things that you can control. For example, your kids not getting enough social interaction or whether the store will have toilet paper are issues that are worth some worry. However. wasting your time being worried about the possible impacts of the pandemic in three, five, or ten years is just not worth your time today. Unless it matters at this moment, it can wait.

Number 8. Self-Love Hacks Can Help You Own Where You Are In LIfe.

Time changes us all, whether we like it or not. However, not everyone changes at the same rate.

When old habits creep up, or old friends resurface, you may find that they treat you as the person that you once were. This can be frustrating, and it can make you question your progress. However, it is up to YOU to show them that you have grown and changed. Do this by explaining it to them, showing them, or by cutting them out of your life completely. Choose a way that works best for you and your life at this moment, but choose.

Ridding yourself of negative people or habits of the past is not something that should make you feel ashamed. Instead, it is something to be celebrated. Be mature and honest to show who you are inside if you want to be happy.

Number 9. Be Selfless With Self-Love Hacks.

Some of the self-love hacks above may seem selfish. You may feel bad when doing them because you are not used to putting yourself first. Combat this feeling by infusing your life with selfless acts.

Be selfless by giving love, and you will get love in return. When it comes to our enemies, this is especially true. There is an old saying that fits well with this idea, ‘only a fool will argue with themselves.’ Be selfless by providing others with compassion, and aim to understand their motives when possible.

Remember that not everyone is ready to change. Instead of pushing them to do or see things your way, guide the way through your actions, and give them love.

Change will only come when it is time.

Number 10. Pay It Forward.

Hand-in-hand with selflessness is the idea of paying it forward. Of all the self-love hacks listed here, this is one of the most satisfying hacks. Paying it forward can make a significant difference in your life and the life of others. The best part is that it often requires very little effort. Paying it forward means giving something to someone in the hopes that they will pass it on to another person along the line.

The pay-it-forward movement has been a popular trend for many years and can be seen in action at local drive-thrus around the world. The idea of paying it forward does not only apply to physical objects, however. Something as simple as a smile, a kind word, or a compliment can quickly make its way around a room.

In any form, giving to others – food, money, advice, kind words, a compliment, or a smile – whatever you can provide – can make a huge difference in making you a happier person. Pay it forward today and watch the impact you can make on the world.

Sure, many of these self-love hacks focus on others. While this may seem odd to you, it is important to note that they focus on your interactions with others. Remember, you cannot control other people, you can only control yourself. With that said, by controlling your actions you have the ability to affect others in a positive way. Utilizing the control that you have over your life path and using that control in a way that benefits others is the ultimate goal in life and a surefire way to find happiness.

Until Next Time…

Fill Your Life With Self-Love


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