Tag: Advice

Gratitude: The Why, What, & How

Gratitude is a term we hear often, but do we truly understand the importance and essence of this powerful word? Do we embrace gratitude and give it the acknowledgment it deserves? Most of us understand that we should be grateful. There is much to be thankful for in the...

Judgment Can Kill You: How I Saved Myself

Judgment comes to us so naturally. We judge others, we judge ourselves, and we judge situations… As humans, we are naturally inclined to judge! Have you ever stopped to wonder why we are so judgmental? Are you curious about what drives our negative thinking behaviors? Do you want to...

Be More Body Positive This Year.

Being body positive means having a practical outlook of your appearance. This view should exist regardless of society’s standards and the views of popular culture. The ideal size, shape, or appearance of the body varies greatly from person to person. Having a body-positive image means that you do not...

Coping With Loss: Tips to Help You Heal.

Coping with loss is always hard. Whether it is a partner, parent, friend, or beloved pet, loss of any kind makes us realize the fragile nature of life. No matter what type of tragedy you have suffered, coping with loss is challenging, and there is no right or wrong...

Start a Conversation: 7 Topics to Get You Talking.

Trying to start a conversation with others can be awkward and challenging at times. Knowing what to talk about is a battle that we all face, especially when meeting new people or when we lack the self-confidence we wish we had. If you dread the awkward pauses that come...

Covid can be a Teacher.

, blocked borders, food shortages, school closures, scary headlines, and quarantine can quickly become overwhelming but in this time of chaos and fear there is one thing that you can manage......

How To Be Happy

Some times you have to let go of things to allow new, more useful things, into your life....