Happiness is NOT a Place…

So stop trying to travel there. Happiness is not a place, situation, or circumstance… It is a choice. Happiness is a state of mind, and it is yours for the taking! All too often we think, “If only I had a better job/car/house/etc., then I’d be happy.” The truth...

Quarantine Got You Down?

We are well into this ongoing quarantine, and this strange new world can be hard to handle at times. Boredom may have you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed, especially if you have young children at home. In addition, you may find that you have developed anxiety and fear about the...

How Accurate is Your Self-Image?

Your self-image is not always as it seems. For most people, who they are is based on others ideas and not there own. It's time to rethink that self-image and be who you truly are. ...

Covid can be a Teacher.

, blocked borders, food shortages, school closures, scary headlines, and quarantine can quickly become overwhelming but in this time of chaos and fear there is one thing that you can manage......

How To Be Happy

Some times you have to let go of things to allow new, more useful things, into your life....

Have Fun in Quarantine: 5 Ways.

Corona-virus is keeping us all apart, but it doesn't have to keep you down. Here are 5 Ways to Have Fun While Quarantined. ...

Anger: 8 Ways to Control It.

Anger is a BIG emotion. It can be difficult to predict and hard to control. Maybe you find yourself fuming when someone cuts you off in traffic or you get angry when your kids don’t listen. Perhaps, you just want to learn to calm down and prevent a big...

The One Thing Challenge

The One Thing Challenge is like a shopping list for your soul. Find out how it's done...

Regret: 5 Things To Avoid.

Regret is something that we all fear. It can push us forward or hold us back but there are ways to limit its hold over your success....

Living in the Moment

Forget what happened yesterday and stop stressing about tomorrow. Live in the moment if you want to be happy....